Not sure what’s next?
Every day I work with interesting and smart people. More often than not they are on a personal journey, but for some it can be a struggle to know what the right path forward should be. As their goals and ambitions change, so too can their conviction, leading to uncertainty and then indecision. They procrastinate and lose focus on what they want, or what is possible.
Time to re-invent?
For people who find themselves in this position it is frustrating and they feel like they’ve gone backwards. I see it as an opportunity, a time to re-invent, to leave the past behind and discover what the new you will look like. To do that you have to interrogate the old you, take a deeper look and remind yourself of what the positives are, what led you to where you are, and what opportunities you may have underexploited or ignored. It’s amazing what this process reveals.
There’s always a new door to open
By my observations we have at least three careers, the one we follow after the first job we like, the one we develop after we realise we’re good at something and finally the one that fulfils us. For some there might be a couple in between, but for most it’s three. The latter is where we follow our passion, it’s where we do the work we love the way we want, with people we like. It’s the path of clarity and fulfilment and you often find it after deep reflection.
Focus comes when you have a vision
So now it’s got to be game-on. You need to find this clarity ASAP in order to move forward, because if you don’t you return to the status quo of indecision and no commitment. By pursuing this you will find the deeper you, a place of such authenticity that your integrity can never be questioned. In doing so you will also discover the optimum channel for your energy and passion – and that’s got to be the direction you focus on.
Rod Buchecker
Rod Buchecker is an expert in helping people find the clarity they need in order to be successful.