How’s your ‘mojo’?


Maintaining your ‘mojo’ aint easy.

Playing at the top of your game requires dedication. You must establish patterns, routines, habits that allow you to maintain your intensity. There will be many distractions along the way, and some of those will force you to question whether you still have what it takes. It’s then that we must be most wary, lest we lose our ‘mojo’. It is a time for FOCUS, and it might be a time for change.

Focus will lift your standards

An essential habit of high achievers is continual focus on raising your personal performance. Seeking to raise the bar is a great trait and momentum usually builds further momentum. There will be occasions when things don’t go as planned, but that’s okay; if you’re not failing now and then, you are probably not trying hard enough. Failure leads to improvements, but only if we try again.

And focus helps you rebound

Courting failure may seem like a strange leadership technique but it’s precisely what great leaders do. They empower their teams to have a go, to try new things and when they don’t work, to learn from them and have another go. Bouncing back from setbacks is necessary if you are going to continue to grow and the best companies make this part of their normal modus operandi.

Failing helps us win

“Winners are grinners” said Buff Tyrell, all Australian AFL great and one-time football coach of mine. He closely followed this with “and the losers can please themselves”. It seems contradictory to what I have just said but I think there are great parallels between sport and business that we can deploy almost every day. To ensure we were winners, Buff made sure we failed often, in training mostly, but even on game day it was important at times to try something new. Our team had a great ‘mojo’ back then and I reckon it had a lot to do with our willingness to stay focused on raising the bar.

So, how’s your ‘mojo’ looking?

Do you need a shot in the arm, are you trying hard enough, or perhaps even too hard? Have a good look at what you’re doing now and remind yourself of how far you’ve come. I am tipping it will be quite a long way and that’s something you should feel proud about.

Stay focused on maintaining your ‘mojo’.

Rod Buchecker

Rod Buchecker is an expert in helping people find what they need to focus on in order to be successful.